Originally published & distributed 4th June 2010
This Newsletter may also be viewed HERE
A few days ago Israeli Commandos attacked a flotilla in International waters a few days ago but just as it is revealed that the Zionist stormtroopers had a list of assassination targets, something occurs which wipes all debate and analysis about this incident off the front pages of the mainstream media. Just how lucky can Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow antagonists get? Just as the world is getting ready to probe the details of the latest Israeli outrage, a reclusive cab driver steps up to the plate and commits a totally out-of-character atrocity that dominates the first six pages of every National Newspaper in the UK.
What the f*ck is going on? Another 'lone gunman' with no apparent history of violence or interest in firearms goes on a rampage, killing 12 people in just three hours ... right on cue to take the media attention away from Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow Zionist hegemonists!
At this stage of the game, these two events appear to have absolutely zero connectivity but I am going to be watching this one unfold like the proverbial hawk. There is something about the Cumbrian massacre which is setting off every intuitive alarm bell in my suspicious mind. It has now been revealed that Mr Bird recently received a mystery payment of £60,000, for which the Inland Revenue were supposedly investingating him. This being touted as the reason he lost the plot and committed these heinous murders. It is remarkable that the victims of supposed 'random killings' were all local people; despite the incident occuring in an area crawling with tourists at this time of year! I am going to be very interested in seeing whether the ballistics reports, autopsies and eventual inquests and Inquiry are conducted with an appropriate degree of transparency. I have to confess that I will not exactly fall off my chair in shock, horror or even disbelief if we see a repeat of Dunblane, where a significant chunk of the evidence made available to the enquiry was sealed for 100 years! Nothing to hide there then, eh?
Meanwhile, it is imperative that we keep the latest Zionist crime against humanity in the forefront of our thoughts. It is a little over 60 years since the creation of the state of Israel. In that time the Zionist Israeli government has shown total disregard for the international community by ignoring 135 UN resolutions calling for either withdrawal from the occupied territories or simply granting basic humanitarian treatment towards the Palestinian people.
The fact that the Zionist leadership can act with such impunity and rely on there being a minimalist political or media reaction, is a sorry reflection on the likes of Barak Obama and Princess Dave ... and speaks volumes about who is really calling the shots (no pun intended!). Let's not forget that the arch-Zionist Milliband brothers are being touted as prime candidates for the leadership of the Labour party! With a Miliband at the helm of the ersatz left, don't be surprised to see another contrived election, with the sole objective of placing a Zionist muppet in No. 10. The primary purpose being to ensure that the Zionist hegemonic agenda can continue to be perpetrated with impunity. Don't forget that as Foreign Secretary David Miliband didn't exactly get too upset when it was revealed that the Mossad assassins of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh used fake(?) British Passports to enter Dubai!
We must also acknowledge that Bush, Blair and Lloyd Blankfein (Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs (and a prime-mover of the global economic meltdown) have all, at some juncture, declared themselves to be doing god's work. One of the reasons Tony Blair's Faith Foundation is located at Yale is because the proposition attracted unadulterated ridicule at the London School of Economics. The other reason was to facilitate Blair's induction into Skull & Bones.
If anyone is in any doubt about the ultimate genocidal objectives harboured by the International Zionists, they should read Ilan Pappe's book 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' published in 2007. Pappe is Professor of History at Exeter University and has been vilified by the Zionists but applauded by the multitude of Jewish people who are now realising that the Zionist agenda is an outrageous abuse of the Jewish people. Strange that we never read about the increasing activities of Jewish protest groups within Israel, as Netanyahu uses techniques for the suppression of dissent that are straight out of any totalitarian handbook.
Let's be sure that the efforts of those who endeavour to bring relief the besieged Palestinian people and particularly those that have sacrificed their lives in pursuit of humanitarian justice are remembered and revered long into the future.
We are proud to have provided a platform at recent Alternative View events to both David Halpin (AV1 & AV2) & Cynthia McKinney (AV3). Both David & Cynthia were on board the MS Dignity when it was rammed by the Israeli Navy in December of 2008. David is convinced that the objective of the 4am attack was to sink the relief vessel in the deepest part of the Mediterranean; an incident which was yet another blatant breach of international Maritime Law.
Cynthia & David were undeterred and were both on their way to Gaza aboard the Greek flagged 'Spirit of Humanity in the summer of 2009, only to be arrested and detained by the Israeli security forces. Despite the fact that Cynthia had been the Green Party Presidential Candidate in the 2008 US elections, the silence from Barak Obama was deafening!
I was recently presented with a book titled, 'Is it me ... or is everything turning to sh*t?'
I think we all know the answer to this rhetorical question! However, there is much hope.
On May 15th Zbigniew Brzezinski gave a presentation at the Council on Foreign Relations where he acknowledged that the rapid global political awakening was a significant threat to the objective of establishing a One World Government ... what he didn't mention was the thing that really scares the crap out of these psycho-sociopaths, is the phenomenal rate of Spiritual Awakening, which they do not seem to be able to stop despite the Bio-Spiritual campaign of vaccinations, GM foods, fluoridated water, chemtrails, digital Wi-Fi, economic slavery, dumbed-down education and media saturation.
Humanity is awakening and will undoubtedly get to play at the next level very soon.
My final word (for the time being) to the sanctimonious globalists is, "Either you're with us ... or you're on your own."
Either way, Homo Luminous will prevail.
Kindest Regards
Ian R Crane
PS. Over the next few days I will be mailing out a Newsletter with my analysis of the BP Horizon disaster, revealing the potential enormity of this ecological outrage. The effects of this event could potentially make the entire South-Eastern United States, North Western Mexico, Cuba and the West Indies totally uninhabitable. More to follow ....
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