This Newsletter may also be read HERE
The response to my recent Newsletter 'BP & Population Reduction' has been most illuminating. I received two Emails from correspondents claiming to be BP employees; each implying that my representation of events leading up to the destruction of the BP Horizon rig is actually acknowledged within BP as being very close to the truth! If this is the case the management of BP are guilty of extreme negligence. The reality is that BP is unlikely to survive the disaster and word on the Stock Market rumour mill is that BP may file for Chapter 11 before the end of the summer!
Many might argue that this is ultimate justice for years of corporate arrogance, not least for BP's role in initiating the overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian Government of Mossedeq in 1953; all because he had the audacity to perceive that the mineral wealth of Iran should be utilised for the benefit of the Iranian people.
Meanwhile, the lack of transparency surrounding the status of the drama unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico is indicative of the fact that the USA is on the brink of explicit Totalitarianism, as the media blackout is enforced and Martial Law is in place in all but name around the Gulf of Mexico. From my sources inside the Oil Industry I am advised that the following measures are being applied:
1). Cameras are being removed from the personal effects of all oilfield personal flying to and from rigs in the Gulf of Mexico in an effort to prevent the magnitude of the expanding slick being illustrated graphically on web blogs.
2). No-go areas are in effect where the slick has now reached the shoreline, with BP 'security' personnel colluding with representatives of numerous Law enforcement agencies to confiscate cameras and threaten the curious with immediate arrest in they do not agree to leave the area immediately.
3). In a situation reminiscent of the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and one of outrageous corporate arrogance, Clean-up personnel are being threatened with dismissal if they insist on wearing protective masks against the toxic fumes being generated from the combination of hydro-carbons and dispersants; all due to BP & the Federal Government's desire to pretend that 'everything is under control'! Let's not forget that the majority of first-responders from 9/11 are either dead or suffering from acute respiratory diseases which developed as a direct result of carrying out their duties in a highly toxic environment but being lied to by the Federal Government, who advised there was nothing to worry about as the air had been tested and been given the 'all clear'.
Meanwhile, other oilfield sources suggest that the true outflow rate of the BP created haemorrhage is in excess of 100,000 barrels per day (or approximately 0.5% of the total US daily oil consumption) and spewing at pressures in excess of 200,000; which would account for the inability to get the blowout under control by orthodox oilfield technology. This would also account for the apparent paranoia surrounding the various prognoses for this event. Such concerns also add weight to the rumour has it that the US Federal Government has issued the US Military with instructions to draw up plans for the forced evacuation of 40million residents in the South-Eastern United States! Readers of my previous Newsletter will be aware of the potential dangers to freshwater sources as the Hurricane season gets underway!
The Irony of this being that if such a forced evacuation would undoubtedly benefit Halliburton, who have held the maintenance contract of the archipelago of FEMA camp dotted throughout the US. It should also be noted that it was Halliburton who were responsible for the Cement of the Production Casing. The failure of which ultimately led to the blowout occurring. Many readers will also be aware that Halliburton in made the synchronistic acquisition of Boots & Coots (one of the top four Companies specialising in dealing with oilfield blow-outs) on April 12th, just eight days before the BP Horizon disaster. Boots & Coots are renowned for always turning up for work in pristine white Nomex coveralls. Indeed, I have 'Ace' of B&C to thank for my initiation into wild well technology in Kuwait in the immediate aftermath of Gulf War1.
As awareness increases regarding the magnitude of the Gulf disaster, stay vigilant for other supposedly acausal events occurring as the Federal Government attempts to divert attention. If the San Andreas Fault lets rip anytime with a 6.0 in the next few weeks, I be inclined to suspect some sleight of hand!
Meanwhile it has never been more important for all proponents of an alternative global vision to come together. Those who would continue to rule the planet through death & destruction, both in Human and Ecological terms are now fighting a rearguard action. On May 15th Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke to a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations declaring that one of the biggest threats to establishing a One World Government is the rapid Political Awakening of the masses ... what he didn't mention but wrote about in his 1970 book, 'Between Two Ages - The Tehnetronic Era', is the phenomenon of spiritual awakening occurring throughout the world.
Now is the time for all who have an alternative vision to come together. Today I will participate in the process of Munay-Ki (, as part of my commitment to utilise whatever intellectual, emotional and spiritual capacity I may have to bring about a world where humanity can reach its full potential, free from economic, intellectual and spiritual bondage.
Until next time. . Homo Luminous will prevail.
Kindest Regards
Ian R Crane
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