The ecological travesty unfolding as a direct result of the BP Horizon blow-out may well go down in history as the turning point in the relationship between the planet and the Globalist economic addiction to oil. Many people in the oil industry are very well aware that viable, cheaper, cleaner, more efficient energy sources have been developed since the days of Tesla.
Indeed the patents for many of these alternatives are owned by major oil industry stake-holders!
As everyone involved in this ecological outrage appears to be adopting the CYA (Cover Your Ass) posture, some interesting information is working its way through the oilfield grapevine. As a recipient of the Schlumberger dollar for almost 20 years, I still follow the fortunes of the Company with more than a passing interest. Although it was upsetting to learn that 11 oilfield hands lost their lives in the rig explosion, I was relieved to learn that no SLB personnel were on the rig at the time. However, it has now been formally acknowledged that two Schlumberger Wireline employees were on the BP Horizon rig but departed at 11.00. However, it seems that there are two versions as to exactly what transpired in the hours leading up to their departure.
The official version of events is that the two SLB Engineers were on the rig to run a CBL (Cement Bond Log), the test that ultimately determines the integrity of the cement holding the production casing to the formation. The Cementing operation having been completed by Haliburton. However, BP's Company Man decided not to run the test (why not?) and told the SLB guys that they could get the next scheduled helicopter off the rig.
However, there is an extremely disturbing rumour that suggests a rather different series of events! The SLB Wireline personnel were called to the rig specifically to run the CBL test. However, they discovered that the well was still 'kicking; something that should definitely not be occurring at this stage of the proceedings and a pretty good indicator that there was a serious problem with the well-completion process. As a result of this, the SLB Wireline Engineer supposedly advised the Company Man that the well needed to be 'Shut in', either by pumping a heavier density mud (drilling fluid) or activating the BOP (Blow Out Preventer). The word on the vine is that the BP Company Man rejected this advice and the SLB Engineers immediately demanded to be evacuated from the rig. There being no scheduled helicopter, SLB management apparently responded to their Engineers request for immediate evacuation by flying out a charter 'copter. It is agreed by all parties that the SLB Engineers left the rig at 11.00am. The rig exploded six hours later.
If there is any substance to these allegations, the BP Company Man has a lot to answer for ...
including the lives of 11 oilfield hands. The truth is unlikely to be established outside a Court Room as the incestuous oil industry closes ranks.
Meanwhile, who knows exactly how much oil is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico? BP has been spinning events in a pathetic attempt at damage limitation. The impact on the fishing and shrimp industries is enormous; shipping lanes to the Gulf Ports have not been dramatically affected as yet but as the slick expands and deepens, it could ultimately bring shipping to a standstill.
However, the real threat is not yet being discussed. June 1st marked the start of the Hurricane season. Multiple Hurricanes and Tropical storms will make their way through the Gulf over the next four months. Each sucking up enormous quantities of sea water that is now not only polluted by oil but also by the outrageously toxic dispersants being used by BP in an attempt to break up a slick rapidly advancing upon the ecologically sensitive coastline either side of the Mississippi and the beaches of Florida. The most potent dispersant is known as COREXIT 9500, manufactured by NALCO.
Apart from the enormous sums of money now flowing into NALCO's corporate accounts, the real issue is the potential devastation that will be brought about by the toxic rainfall deposited throughout the South-Eastern United States in the coming months. As dispersants find their way into the precipitation and then penetrate the topsoil prior to entering the water table, the potential for the whole are becoming a waste land is a very real possibility.
As the prevailing winds head west, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that see a marked increase in the toxicity of rainfall in Europe over the Winter months!
Some religious fundamentalists are already linking this prognosis to the karmic effect from US depleted uranium poisoning the Iraqi water table and food chain. As the drama continues to unfold and Obama gets another opportunity to demonstrate his total ineffectiveness, the hegemonic psycho-sociopaths are rubbing their hands at the prospect of a very real opportunity to see the process addressed by the first objective listed on the Georgia Guide Stones being initiated ... all thanks to British Petroleum!
All the above serves to aid and abet the media in keeping and analysis and/or comment of Israel's continued attempts to maintain Gaza as the world's largest concentration camp ... not to mention the recent weekend gathering of the Bilderberger fraternity in the Spanish Mediterranean town of Sitges, where much there was reportedly much discussion about the perceived threat to the globalist agenda from those who have any degree of financial independence.
These sick Bilderberger/CFR/Trilateralist puppies just have no idea what they're up against! As Homo Luminous emerges from the illusion of consumerist materialism, refusing to rise to the bait of manufactured drama, those who delude themselves that they are the rightful rulers of a planetary fiefdom will be left arguing amongst themselves.
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