Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Critic of BP Drowns in Hot Tub!

Originally Posted & Distributed 11th August 2010

Matt Simmons "drowned at his house"; "Found Sunday night in his hot tub"

"Simmons' body was found Sunday night in his hot tub, investigators said. An autopsy by the state medical examiner's office concluded Monday that he died from accidental drowning with heart disease as a contributing factor."

"The Knox County Sheriff's Department says Matthew Simmons, the founder of the Ocean Energy Institute, drowned at his house on North Haven late Sunday night." (Associated Press Report)

Matt Simmons was an Investment Banker and a leading proponent of the 'Peak Oil' hypothesis, which he latched onto after stumbling across the work of retired Oilfield Consultant, Dr Colin Campbell in the late 1990's. In 2005 he authored 'Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy'.

Matthew Simmons was an Energy Advisor to President George W. Bush and was central to the push for ever higher oil prices, as highlighted in
an article I wrote more than three years ago and subsequently addressed in my 2007 DVD
'Peak Oil: Myth or Reality?'
Back then Simmons promotion of the 'Peak Oil' hypothesis was reaping enormous rewards for the oil industry, as the price of oil stormed towards its peak at $147 per barrel in mid-2008; before falling all the way back to $35 per barrel a few months later, then 'stabilising' around $75 (currently $79.33 per barrel).

In recent weeks Matthew Simmons had been a regular face on US television as he expressed concern that BP and the Federal Government were colluding in their deceit to play-down the magnitude of the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. Consequently, I found myself in the rather unusual position of actually agreeing with many of Matt Simmons comments and observations (with the exception of his advocacy for the Nuke option!), as they were very much in line with the information I was receiving and continue to receive from my oil industry contacts.

Indeed it was Matthew Simmons who highlighted the fact that after the July 23rd evacuation of all Gulf shipping, the 'Live Feed' of the BP well head had been switched to another capped wellhead. See this YouTube link for further explanation.

The timing of Matthew Simmons unfortunate demise could not be more opportune for BP, the US Government and the oil industry at large. In addition to his vocal criticism of BP and the Federal Government, Simmons founded the Ocean Energy Institute in an effort to establish an array of wind farms off the coast of Maine. An initiative seen as a direct threat to the Rockefeller (Exxon) dominated oil cartel. This cartel also nurtured a great deal of animosity towards BP and its former CEO, John Browne; who was seen as arrogant in his quest to establish BP as a serious global energy entity; not to mention his role in releasing the framed Lockerbie bomber Abdel al-Megrahi, in return for access to Libyan drilling Rights. Browne was too well connected (Bilderberger) to be challenged directly, so the cartel had to wait until Browne was in retirement to exact their revenge on BP. Replacement CEO Tony Hayward (earning £4million per annum) was set up as the fall-guy, allowing US National Robert Dudley to take the helm in the ensuing chaos of the Gulf disaster. Simmons was giving the game away when he stated that the BP stock price would fall to pennies, enabling the company to be broken up facilitating easy acquisition by Exxon; the majority of the financial impact being shouldered by British Pension Funds and the on-going clean-up costs being foisted upon the British Taxpayer. Brilliant!

In my latest DVD 'BP, Population Reduction & The End of an Age', I identify and name the individual(s) on board the BP Deepwater Horizon who, in my opinion, need to be asked some very deep and probing questions. The individual(s) in question have so far failed to give evidence at any of the hearings convened to date, pleading ill-health and the 'Fifth Amendment'; i.e. that any evidence given may be self-incriminating.

Of course, I don't believe for one minute that these individuals master-minded the operation but in the unlikely event that they reveal who gave them their instructions, we might get a further insight into the hidden hierarchy.

Over the past few weeks BP have mounted a campaign to remove all photographs of these particular individuals from the web and they are now hidden away under 'BP Protection'. In the light of Matthew Simmons timely demise, I won't exactly fall off my chair in shock, horror or disbelief if the individuals in question fail to appear at the next Gulf hearing, scheduled to be held in Houston on Aug 23-27th ... I'd recommend they stay away from the hot tub!

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of British and European holidaymakers travelling to Florida and the Gulf Coast become unwitting participants in a massive biological experiment. As the Oil/Corexit mix enters the water table and the food chain (particularly as 60% of all seafood sold in the US comes from the Gulf of Mexico), we can be sure that the aftermath of this drama will reach far beyond the bounds of orthodox comprehension. If the death of Matthew Simmons makes just one person realise the magnitude of lies and deception being perpetrated in and around the Gulf of Mexico, he will not have died in vain.

Stay vigilant!


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"Ian Crane was outspoken enough when he worked inside the oil industry, it's good to see that he doesn't let any industry loyalty stand in his way when seeking out the truth."

"This DVD is absolute f***ing Dynamite ... & what a wonderful finale, I had tears streaming down my cheeks ... but if you tell anyone, I'll kill you myself!! Well done, buddy."

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Until next time. . .

Kindest Regards,

Ian R Crane

PS: Click HERE to read more on Matthew Simmons criticism of BP

RESCUE  EDGE MEDIA . .please help

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